There really hasn't been any indie rock posted on here since we've started this blog. Not that I'm particularly into the genre, but I do think there are a few gems floating around out there among all the hipster nonsense.
Akron/Family is one of my recent favorites. Not that they haven't been churning out music since 2003, but they've only recently come to my attention in the last year-or-so. Unafraid to slip comfortably between noise and well-developed/folky melodies the group's self-titled debut album was released in 2005 on Michael Gira's (of Swans fame) label; Young God records. Akron/Family would also come to serve as the backing band for Gira's solo project Angels of Light on the album 'Sing "Other People"', as well as numerous subsequent tours that Akron/Family would also serve as the opener for.
On this their self-titled debut, the band uses a variety of instruments to obtain their strange brand of folk-influenced, experimental indie rock spanning from trumpet to guitars to sythesizer to accordion to a variety of circuit-bending electronic equipment, they are even able to still develop a comprehensible harmony. Using both awkward and more straight forward melodies they create a unique sound that will interest even the most hipster-hating metal heads.
Favorite Track: Afford
Rating: 9 Out Of 10